It has been awhile, but there is a reason!

I know, I know… Sorry, sorry.

It has been a while since I have posted a blog, but I am still here! But there is a good reason I have been away.

I have been on a personal learning push. I am seeing more clearly who I am and who I want to be as an artist and as a professional. So I took some time to really try to focus in on this.

What have I been doing?

1: I enrolled in Chris Oately’s Magic box digital painting class. (And if you want to learn digital painting, I cannot suggest this enough. AND it is only $18 a month!)

2: I have learned that while I love comics, I do not think that is what i want to be. At least not full time. I really feel more love to doing actual illustrations, character designs, and storyboards. So I am slowly transitioning to that type of art.

3: I am reading all I can on these new fields to try to get as much info as I can on how to get there.

So I am still here, still working, still pushing myself. I will try to keep doing posts because I love to share with you all my journey.

And last but not least, here is my newest painting/character design.

This is slasher horror character, Chuckles, with his ‘children’. Enjoy!
