
Hey, you. Yeah you.

You are a creator, you draw, paint, sculpt, sing, dance, write, whatever creative endeavor you travel on, and I want you to know something important. You and your creations have worth. A lot of worth.

But, you worry that it’s not where you want it to be. You still see the flaws, you still have a lot that needs fixed, a lot to learn. Of course you do, we all do. Art is a journey. Even the most skilled creator you can think of sees problems in their work and feel inferior to another creator. It’s just the nature of being a creator.

So when you complete a work of art and you begin to question if it’s good enough, tell yourself it is the best you could do when you did it and because of it, the next thing will be even better because every work informs the next one. Every step is a step forward. You have come a long way from when you started and there are a LOT of other people who wish they could do near what you can do right now.

Believe in yourself and others will too!

Now go create!


Playing around with rebooting classic Saturday Morning Cartoons. Here we have AHH Real Monsters.